NOV 4, Montly Mtg and Virtual Pumpkin Decorating workshop.
Members only: Virtual, 1:00 pm -2:30 pm
NOV 14/15, Outdoor Movie Night.
Members only: Covid Compliant, 6 - 8 pm. TB Finalized
OCT 1, Virtual talks: UC Master Gardneners Conference 2020
Open to all
OCT 7, Monthly Business Meeting
Members only: virtual, 1 - 1:45
OCT 16, Farm tour: Urban Plantations
Members only: 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Covid compliant
OCT 17, Talk on Herbs: UCANR
Virtural, Registration Required, Free
September 2, Monthly Meeting Speaker Katerian Thacher.
Where: Members only: virtual zoom meeting.
When: Wednesday, September 2. Time: 1-2:30 pm
- Talk on Fall vegetables and pest management by specailist from Walter Anderson.
- Club Business meeting
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
Elizabeth Rabbitt 619 990 8284, erabbit@gmail.com
September 20, Visit to Rachna Agarwalla's garden
Where: Pvt. garden tour and Propagation hands on table.
Members only event, covid compliant.
When: Sunday, September 20. Time: 3-6 pm
September 29, Virtual talks link to UC Master Gardneners Conference
August 12 Virtual Social & Happy Hr.
Where: Members only: virtual zoom meeting.
When: Thrusday, August 13. Time: 4-5 pm
- Getting to know each other mask free!
- Discuss Trials and tribulations of gardening and problem solving by learning from each other.
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
Elizabeth Rabbitt 619 990 8284, erabbit@gmail.com
August 23 Garden Visit
Where: Hooterville Estates
When: Sunday, August 23. Time: 3:30-6 pm
Signup genius, social distancing measures in place.
Delights of the Vegetable gardening using aquaponics, worm tubes, cages for raised beds
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
Elizabeth Rabbitt 619 990 8284, erabbit@gmail.com
August 5 Monthly Member Meeting
Where: Members will be emailed login information for the virtual zoom meeting.
When: Wednesday, August 5. Time: 1-3 pm
- Businesss announcemnts & updates, election results
- Talk by Roy Willburn, Horticulturist
Topic: Growing Vegetables in Fall
- Q &A
- Meet and greet virtual member social
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
Elizabeth Rabbitt 619 990 8284, erabbit@gmail.com
July 8 Monthly Member Meeting
Where: Members will be emailed login information for the virtual meeting.
When: Wednesday, July 8 at 1:00 pm
What we’re doing: Meet and greet, Working updates, Speaker or online demonstration
What to bring: Enthusiam and a garden memory to share
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
Wendy Poyhonen 858 449 7178, wpoyns@gmail.com
Elizabeth Rabbitt 619 990 8284, erabbit@gmail.com
July 29 & 30 Webinar
Topic: Bring Back the Pollinators: Conserving California’s Native Bees and Butterflies Part 1 & 2: How You Can Help Pollinators in your Community. Conducted by Xerces Society
When: July 29 & 30, 2020
Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Registration for webinar via email sent to club members
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
July 19 Garden Tour
Where: Wendy Poyhonen's Waterwise garden.
When: Sunday, July 19, 2020
What to bring: The magnifying card from your gift bag, mask and curiousity.
Sign up for your time slot on Sign up genius: Del Mar Mesa Garden Club
Note: The tour will be social distancing compliant. Do not touch anything to be respecful to the owner during covid.
Wendy Poyhonen 858 449 7178, wpoyns@gmail.com
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
July Garden Resources Gift Bag give away
When: July 2020
Location: Hooterville Estates
Time: 11 am - noon
Members picked up garden rescourses gift bags.
Social distancing guidelines followed.
Shital 949 697 4903, shital@1parikhs.com
Elizabeth Rabbitt 619 990 8284, erabbit@gmail.com